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Ronald “Bubba” Fletcher, Shreveport, LA

Ronald Fletcher receiving VIP award (Photo: Courtesy ThinkFirst of the Ark-La-Tex)

Ronald “Bubba” Fletcher is deeply committed to the mission and programs of ThinkFirst not only in his home state of Louisiana, but on the national level, as well. Since becoming a VIP speaker for ThinkFirst of the Ark-La-Tex in 2008, Bubba has delivered over 150 programs reaching over 14,000 people. In 2011, he attended the ThinkFirst Conference in Denver where he participated in a community-based helmet giveaway event with Broncos Quarterback Tim Tebow. In 2013, he attended a second ThinkFirst Conference and served as a featured speaker on the VIP panel, participating in a helmet give-away event and delivering a ThinkFirst presentation with Saints Quarterback Drew Brees.


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